
Inequality Is Not Inevitable

June 27, 2014, The New York Times

Thomas Pikettyによって最近出された重要な本、『21世紀資本』によれば、「暴力的なほどの、富と所得の二極化は、資本主義が本来的に持っている性質である。第2次世界大戦後の数十年の間に観察されたような、不平等の減少は、逸脱的な状況だったとみるべきである。」という。


New York Timesのシリーズである、"The Great Divide"のなかでは、「資本主義には根本的な法則がある」という考えが正しくないことを証明する、数々の例が出されている。






私たちが、アメリカの自己イメージが"the great middle-class society"であるとどれだけ主張しようとも、所得の中央値は、25年前と比べてより低くなっている。不平等は確実に増加しているのだ。アメリカは、ヘルスケア、寿命、そして健康状況へのアクセスに対する大きな分断を持つ国となってしまっているのである。

最高裁がAffordable Care Actを反故にしなかったことに対して、多くの人が安堵するなかで、そのMedicaidへの決定へのインプリケーションは、正しく認識されていない。オバマケアの目的である、多くのアメリカ人にヘルスケアへのアクセスを保障するというものは、行き詰まったままである。24の州は、Medicaidプログラムの拡張を実行に移していない。



In San Jose, Higher Minimum Wage Means More Jobs

June 25, 2014, IBEW


San Joseは、2013年の3月に、地域の最低賃金を時間当たり8ドルから10ドルに上昇させた。それは、1月に、追加で15セント上げられた。

USA Todayによれば、それは、低賃金労働者の生活を大きく変えた。

最低賃金の上昇が、San Joseの7万人の労働者に所得の上昇をもたらした一方で、この上昇は労働市場にネガティブな影響を与えなかった。実際、失業率は2013年から2%減少した。

Peter DreierとDonald CohenがHuffington Postに書いているように、高い賃金が仕事を減らすという主張は過っている、という。

Critics of raising the minimum wage claim it will hurt businesses and cost jobs, but the experience of one California city is refuting the naysayers.

San Jose raised the local minimum wage in March 2013, from $8 to $10-an-hour. It was raised an additional ¢15 an-hour in January.

And according USA Today, it’s making a difference for low-wage workers:

Cherry Lunario, a home care worker in San Jose, says the $2-an-hour raise she got in March 2013 was not a ticket to high living … [But] Lunario, who worked and lived in a home for mentally disabled adults when the increase took effect, says her raise provided about $200 extra a month after taxes. She was able to afford to fix a cracked filling in a tooth after postponing dental visits for several years.

While giving more than 70,000 San Jose workers a long overdue boost to their paychecks, the raise has had no negative effect on the jobs market – in fact the unemployment rate is down, falling 2 percentage points since 2013.

As Peter Dreier and Donald Cohen write on Huffington Post, claims that higher wages kill jobs have historically proven to be false:

Indeed, contrary to business rhetoric, studies reveal that that higher minimum wage levels do not force employers to lay off workers. In a study published in the Review of Economics and Statistics, economists Arin Dube, William Lester and Michael Reich compared counties adjacent to state borders, where one state raised the minimum wage and another did not, between 1990 and 2006.

They found conclusively that raising the minimum wage had no impact on employment. A similar study by Alan Krueger – now the head of the Council of Economic Advisers – came to the same conclusion. The Obama White House also noted that Costco, the retail discount chain, Stride Rite, a children's shoe chain, and other firms have supported increasing the minimum wage, saying it reduces employee turnover and improves workers' productivity.


California Grad Employee Contract Shows Reform Works

June 24, 2014, Labor Notes



今は、どのようにして、我々がここに至ることができたのかを振り返るよい機会だ。これは、我々の改革幹事会であるAcademic Workers for a Democratic UnionがUAW Local 2865をリードするようになってから、初めて結ばれた契約である。

AWDUは、BerkeleyとSanta Cruzの大学院生の小さなグループによって、2010年に結成された。我々は、カリフォルニアの公的な高等教育を救おうとする2009年の学生の運動で活動し、この闘争のために座り込みをするユニオンリーダーに対して批判的であった。


This week 13,000 teaching assistants, readers, and tutors at the University of California ratified a new four-year contract.

We made big gains on both bread-and-butter and social justice issues, with a 17 percent wage increase over four years, new language on class size, longer paid parental leaves, a larger child care subsidy with expanded coverage, a new committee to equalize opportunities for undocumented students, and a mandate to create lactation stations and all-gender bathrooms.

It’s a good moment to look back on how we got here. This is the first contract since our reform caucus, Academic Workers for a Democratic Union, took the helm of our union, UAW Local 2865, in the spring of 2011.

AWDU was formed in 2010 by a small group of graduate students from Berkeley and Santa Cruz. We’d been active in the 2009 student movement to save California public higher education, and we were critical of our union leaders for sitting out that fight.


Massachusetts approves $11 minimum wage

June 20, 2014, CNN Money




このマサチューセッツの法案は、tipped workersのsubminimum base wageを現在の2.63ドルから3.75ドルに上げることを決めている。

Lawmakers in the Bay State gave final approval on Thursday to legislation that will gradually raise the minimum to $11 an hour by 2017, up from $8 today. Governor Deval Patrick received the bill Thursday evening, said Jesse Mermell, a spokeswoman. He is expected to sign it into law soon.

President Obama, who supports a nationwide increase to $10.10, applauded the move, saying Massachusetts "joins a growing coalition of states, cities and counties that are doing (their) part to make sure no American working full-time has to support a family in poverty."

The Massachusetts bill also raised the subminimum base wage for tipped workers to $3.75 from $2.63 currently. While advocates for a higher minimum wage applaud Massachusetts move, they say the increase for tipped workers is subpar.

Compared to other states, which have set higher wage bases for tipped workers, "Massachusetts is a real outlier," said Paul Sonn, general counsel for the National Employment Law Project. If a tipped worker doesn't earn the equivalent of the full minimum wage, after counting both the subminimum base plus tips, employers are supposed to make up the difference. But, Sonn said, "there' s a lot of room for evasion."

ホームケア提供者が公平な支払い(Fair Pay)のために立ち上がり、勝利した!

Home Care Providers Stand Up for Fair Pay and Win!

June 20, 2014, AFSCME Blog


この日曜日、州議会は、state's In-Home Supportive Services program (IHSS)によって雇用されるホームケア提供者が、週に40時間以上働けば残業代を受け取ることができるという予算案を、初めて通過させた。

United Domestic Workers (UDW) / AFSCME Local 3930のメンバーを含む、ホームケア提供者とその同盟は、これまでの6ヶ月の間、電話をかけ、自分たちの話を共有し、サクラメントの彼らの代表に話をすることに時間を費やした。こういう多大な活動のおかげで、予算案が通過することになった。

California home care providers this week showed that when you stand together with allies and the people you care for, you can achieve great things.

The state legislature passed a budget on Sunday that for the first time will allow home care providers employed through the state’s In-Home Supportive Services program (IHSS) to receive overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours a week.

But home care providers and allies, including members of United Domestic Workers (UDW) / AFSCME Local 3930, spent the past six months making phone calls, sharing their stories, and talking to their representatives in Sacramento. Their hard work paid off with the revised budget passed this week.


Vermont Home Care Contract ‘Will Change Our Lives'

June 20, 2014, AFSCME blog

先週、AFSCME代表のLee Saundersとバーモント州知事のPeter Shumlinが初めて、州のホームケア労働者のユニオン、AFSCME Local 4802, Council 93のための歴史的な契約にサインした。これは、バーモントのホームケア提供者のための基準の大きな向上を意味している。



Wal-Mart's "sham transaction": How giant corporations are quietly dodging U.S. taxes

Jun. 17, 2014, Salon

世界の最も豊かな企業の大多数は、"shameless tax dodgers"(恥知らずの税金詐欺師)である。

約1週間前、Appleが税金をごまかしたことを追及され、それを擁護した、と伝えられた。それは、EUのEuropean Commissionからの追及だった。

たしかに、税金逃れに弁解することは、スーパーマネージャーに要求されるスキルの一つとなっている。U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund and Citizens for Tax Justiceの最近の研究によれば、Fortuneの500の企業の70パーセント以上が、税金を支払うことを避けるために、国外のタックスヘイブンに所得を隠している、という。このレポートは、AppleWal-MartStarbucksなどの大企業が、どのようにして法律を犯さずに、アメリカのコミュニティの一部として稼いだ所得を自分のものとしているかを示している。

このレポートの著者の1人であるDan Smith氏によれば、この研究は、いかにアメリカの税金システムが歪んだものになっているかを示しているという。Fortuneの500の企業は、ケイマン諸島などのタックスヘイブンに、私書箱のようなものに過ぎないようなかたちで、子会社を維持しているという。それで、アメリカへの税金支払いを逃れているのだ。



Executive Summary:

Many large U.S.-based multinational corporations avoid paying U.S. taxes by using accounting tricks to make profits made in America appear to be generated in offshore tax havens – countries with minimal or no taxes. By booking profits to subsidiaries registered in tax havens, multinational corporations are able to avoid an estimated $90 billion in federal income taxes each year. These subsidiaries are often shell companies with few, if any employees, and which engage in little to no real business activity.

Congress has left loopholes in our tax code that allow this tax avoidance, which forces ordinary Americans to make up the difference. Every dollar in taxes that corporations avoid by using tax havens must be balanced by higher taxes on individuals, cuts to public investments and public services, or increased federal debt.

This study examines the use of tax havens by Fortune 500 companies in 2013. It reveals that tax haven use is ubiquitous among America’s largest companies, but a narrow set of companies benefit disproportionately.

Most of America’s largest corporations maintain subsidiaries in offshore tax havens. At least 362 companies, making up 72 percent of the Fortune 500, operate subsidiaries in tax haven jurisdictions as of 2013.

  • All told, these 362 companies maintain at least 7,827 tax haven subsidiaries.
  • The 30 companies with the most money officially booked offshore for tax purposes collectively operate 1,357 tax haven subsidiaries.

Approximately 64 percent of the companies with any tax haven subsidiaries registered at least one in Bermuda or the Cayman Islands – two notorious tax havens. Furthermore, the profits that all American multinationals – not just Fortune 500 companies – collectively claim were earned in these island nations in 2010 totaled 1,643 percent and 1,600 percent of each country’s entire yearly economic output, respectively.

Six percent of Fortune 500 companies account for over 60 percent of the profits reported offshore for tax purposes. These 30 companies with the most money offshore – out of the 287 that report offshore profits – collectively book $1.2 trillion overseas for tax purposes.

Only 55 Fortune 500 companies disclose what they would expect to pay in U.S. taxes if these profits were not officially booked offshore. All told, these 55 companies would collectively owe $147.5 billion in additional federal taxes. To put this enormous sum in context, it represents more than the entire state budgets of California, Virginia, and Indiana combined. Based on these 55 corporations' public disclosures, the average tax rate that they have collectively paid to other countries on this income is just 6.7 percent, suggesting that a large portion of this offshore money is booked to tax havens. This list includes:

  • Apple: Apple has booked $111.3 billion offshore – more than any other company. It would owe $36.4 billion in U.S. taxes if these profits were not officially held offshore for tax purposes. A 2013 Senate investigation found that Apple has structured two Irish subsidiaries to be tax residents of neither the U.S. – where they are managed and controlled – nor Ireland – where they are incorporated. This arrangement ensures that they pay no taxes to any government on the lion’s share of their offshore profits.
  • American Express: The credit card company officially reports $9.6 billion offshore for tax purposes on which it would otherwise owe $3 billion in U.S. taxes. That implies that American Express currently pays only a 3.8 percent tax rate on its offshore profits to foreign governments, suggesting that most of the money is booked in tax havens levying little to no tax. American Express maintains 23 subsidiaries in offshore tax havens.
  • Nike: The sneaker giant officially holds $6.7 billion offshore for tax purposes, on which it would otherwise owe $2.2 billion in U.S. taxes. That implies Nike pays a mere 2.2 percent tax rate to foreign governments on those offshore profits, suggesting that nearly all of the money is officially held by subsidiaries in tax havens. Nike does this in part by licensing the trademarks for some of its products to 12 subsidiaries in Bermuda to which it then pays royalties.

Some companies that report a significant amount of money offshore maintain hundreds of subsidiaries in tax havens, including the following:

  • Bank of America reports having 264 subsidiaries in offshore tax havens – more than any other company. The bank officially holds $17 billion offshore for tax purposes, on which it would otherwise owe $4.3 billion in U.S. taxes. That means it currently pays a ten percent tax rate to foreign governments on the profits it has booked offshore, implying much of those profits are booked to tax havens.
  • PepsiCo maintains 137 subsidiaries in offshore tax havens. The soft drink maker reports holding $34.1 billion offshore for tax purposes, though it does not disclose what its estimated tax bill would be if it didn't keep those profits booked offshore for tax purposes.
  • Pfizer, the world’s largest drug maker, operates 128 subsidiaries in tax havens and officially holds $69 billion in profits offshore for tax purposes, the third highest among the Fortune 500. Pfizer recently attempted the acquisition of a smaller foreign competitor so it could reincorporate on paper as a “foreign company.” Pulling this off would have allowed the company a tax-free way to use its supposedly offshore profits in the U.S.

Corporations that disclose fewer tax haven subsidiaries do not necessarily dodge fewer taxes. Many companies have disclosed fewer tax haven subsidiaries, all the while increasing the amount of cash they keep offshore. For some companies, their actual number of tax haven subsidiaries may be substantially greater than what they disclose in the official documents used for this study. For others, it suggests that they are booking larger amounts of income to fewer tax haven subsidiaries.


  • Citigroup reported operating 427 tax haven subsidiaries in 2008 but disclosed only 21 in 2013. Over that time period, Citigroup more than doubled the amount of cash it reported holding offshore. The company currently pays an 8.3 percent tax rate offshore, implying that most of those profits have been booked to low- or no-tax jurisdictions.
  • Google reported operating 25 subsidiaries in tax havens in 2009, but since 2010 only discloses two, both in Ireland. During that period, it increased the amount of cash it reported offshore from $7.7 billion to $38.9 billion. An academic analysis found that as of 2012, the 23 no-longer-disclosed tax haven subsidiaries were still operating.
  • Microsoft, which reported operating 10 subsidiaries in tax havens in 2007, disclosed only five in 2013. During this same time period, the company increased the amount of money it reported holding offshore by more than 12 times. Microsoft currently pays a tax rate of just 3 percent to foreign governments on those profits, suggesting that most of the cash is booked to tax havens.

Strong action to prevent corporations from using offshore tax havens will restore basic fairness to the tax system, make it easier to avoid large budget deficits, and improve the functioning of markets.

There are clear policy solutions policymakers can enact to crack down on tax haven abuse. Policymakers should end incentives for companies to shift profits offshore, close the most egregious offshore loopholes, and increase transparency.